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fit young man performing lateral raise at the gym

Monohidrato de creatina vs. HCL: ¿cuál es mejor para usted?

Si has dedicado algún tiempo a perfeccionar tu régimen de suplementos, ya sabes que añadir creatina a la mezcla es una obviedad. De hecho, es uno de los suplementos para...

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AMRAP Workouts: What They Are and How They Can Transform Your Fitness

AMRAP Workouts: What They Are and How They Can Transform Your Fitness

If you've spent time around CrossFit boxes or high-intensity interval training circles, you've probably heard the acronym AMRAP.  Short for "As Many Rounds (or Reps) As Possible," AMRAP workouts have...

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HIIT Benefits for Women: Body Composition, Cardio Fitness, and More

HIIT Benefits for Women: Body Composition, Cardio Fitness, and More

High-intensity interval training, aka HIIT,  is a style of exercise that includes short bursts of high-intensity movement followed by a brief period of rest in between.  HIIT workouts have gained...

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Cluster Sets: A Game-Changer for Strength, Hypertrophy, and Performance?

Cluster Sets: A Game-Changer for Strength, Hypertrophy, and Performance?

Want to get more from your resistance training? You might want to try cluster sets. I know, I know. Another training method being hyped up online. But research suggests that...

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Slow Reps or Fast Reps: Which Is Best for Strength and Muscle Growth?

Slow Reps or Fast Reps: Which Is Best for Strength and Muscle Growth?

An ongoing debate related to resistance training is whether it’s better to do your reps quickly or slowly.  Some say it’s better to lift explosively, maximizing force production, while there’s...

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How Do You Know if Creatine is Working?

How Do You Know if Creatine is Working?

Creatine is one of the most popular and well-researched supplements.  It’s been proven to improve athletic performance, boost muscle growth, and speed up recovery.  Many people take creatine on a...

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When Should You Drink A Protein Shake?

When Should You Drink A Protein Shake?

Protein shakes are a convenient way to help you meet your daily protein needs. Protein shakes are popular among fitness enthusiasts and athletes alike, and are often consumed right after...

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What are the Best Amino Acids for Muscle Growth?

What are the Best Amino Acids for Muscle Growth?

Amino acids are the essential components required to build a protein. We know protein is imperative for muscle growth however, some amino acids may be more impactful. Let’s dive in....

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How to Get Essential Amino Acids from Your Diet

How to Get Essential Amino Acids from Your Diet

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of good health, and essential amino acids (EAAs) are critical for numerous bodily functions—from building muscle to supporting a robust immune system. Since our bodies...

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