Are BCAA Supplements Vegan?

Branched-chain amino acids, also known as BCAAs, are a popular sports supplement for muscle growth and recovery. BCAAs are typically derived from protein so what about those who are following a vegan diet? Are BCAAs vegan-friendly? Let’s find out.

What Are BCAAs?

BCAAs are a type of essential amino acid that contains a branched-chain chemical structure, making it an essential component of most proteins. 

Of the nine essential amino acids, BCAAs make up 3 (leucine, isoleucine, and valine). They are considered “essential” because your body is not able to make them on its own, therefore we require them in our diet from sources such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, or dairy products. 

Several studies have found that these BCAAs may benefit muscle growth and recovery by stimulating muscle protein synthesis, which is the process of building new muscle tissue, particularly the BCAA leucine. 

These essential amino acids are also required to help repair the muscle fibers post-exercise and having them readily available may aid in a faster recovery time, reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and reduce exercise fatigue [1, 2, 3].

Because of this, BCAA supplements have become commonplace among gym goers, along with whey protein powder and creatine monohydrate. 

Common Sources of BCAAs

Amino acids, including BCAAs, can be found in protein foods but are found in higher amounts in animal-derived sources such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. Because of this, many assume that BCAAs must not be suitable for a vegan diet however, this isn’t necessarily the case. 

BCAAs can also be found in plant sources of protein such as soybeans, nuts, seeds, and legumes. 

Because BCAAs are a main component in most proteins, BCAA supplements can be derived from either animal or plant sources. 

You can find supplements that are safe for vegan dieters that synthesize BCAAs from plant-based sources using a fermentation process. There are numerous vegan-friendly BCAA supplements on the market.

How to Identify Vegan BCAAs on the Market

If you are looking for a vegan BCAA supplement, it’s important to mind the label. Just like any other food or supplement product, the label will tell you if the product is approved for a vegan diet or not. If it does not have this information listed on the front of the label, it’s less likely it will be appropriate for those who only eat plant-based. 

For example, our premium strawberry lemonade BCAAs supplement is vegan and it is stated right in the front of the label. 

Other ways you can tell if a product is vegan approved is by looking for the V-Label for vegan products. This is an internationally recognized seal on food and supplement labels that indicates if a product is vegan or vegetarian. Be sure to look at this closely as vegetarian products may still include animal-derived ingredients. 

There is also a certified vegan seal or logo that can be found on many of these products to alert consumers that it is appropriate for vegan diets [4].

To be certain something is truly vegan-friendly however, you should always take a peek at the supplement facts which provide the ingredient breakdown. This allows you to identify if there are any non-vegan ingredients hiding in that product. 

Benefits of Choosing Vegan BCAAs

Whether you are looking for vegan BCAA products for ethical, health, or religious reasons, there can be many benefits to choosing plant-based products like BCAAs. Regardless of their source, plant or animal, BCAAs provide the same benefits on muscle growth and exercise recovery.

However, vegan BCAAs often contain additional beneficial ingredients that can make them a better option than regular BCAAs in some cases.

For example, BCAAs from vegan sources tend to contain higher amounts of vitamins such as A, C, and E which can help to fuel endurance and boost energy levels in plant-based athletes.


While traditional BCAAs typically come from animal sources, BCAAs are a component of protein which can be found in both plant and animal products. Even if you are choosing BCAA supplements, there are vegan options available and may even provide a small leg-up on the traditional BCAA supplements due to their increased vitamin concentrations. 

If you are interested in choosing a vegan BCAA supplement, just make sure you are reading the label carefully to ensure all ingredients are truly vegan-friendly or look for the vegan seal on the label. 

Regardless of whether you choose a vegan or non-vegan BCAA supplement, the benefits remain the same when it comes to muscle growth and recovery.