
Health Benefits of Protein Beyond Muscle Growth

Health Benefits of Protein Beyond Muscle Growth

If you thought protein was just for young people spending hours in the gym working on a certain physique, think again. Protein is just as important, if not more, for...

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How To Increase Collagen Production Naturally

How To Increase Collagen Production Naturally

Collagen is a hot wellness topic, with seemingly everyone taking some kind of supplement. Claims for taking collagen include glowing and youthful skin, vanishing joint pain, and better sleep.  But...

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How Fiber Affects Gut Health, Weight Loss, and a Lot More

How Fiber Affects Gut Health, Weight Loss, and a Lot More

A high fiber diet probably isn’t something you’d expect to see go viral in the wellness space. It just isn’t as sexy as other nutrients when it comes to performance,...

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5 Ways to Improve Digestion Naturally

5 Ways to Improve Digestion Naturally

  It is not uncommon to experience occasional digestive discomforts such as upset stomach, gas, bloating, heartburn, or diarrhea.  But when these problems occur more frequently, they can be disruptive...

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Improve Sleep Quality for Better Workouts

Improve Sleep Quality for Better Workouts

  Everyone knows that sleep is important. After all, most of us feel pretty lousy after a sleepless night.  But did you know sleep is also crucial for workout recovery? ...

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berry smoothies on a wooden table

Why You Need This High Fiber Breakfast Smoothie

Maybe you track your macros, but have you ever tracked fiber? Even though it’s an essential nutrient with tons of health benefits, most of us aren’t getting enough.  Breakfast is...

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man and woman doing kettlebell goblet squats

5 Benefits of Snacking For Performance and Weight Loss

Although snacking might get a bad rap, it can be quite helpful in supporting your health and wellness goals. Whether you’re looking to improve performance at the gym, or you’re...

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woman drinking water

Your All-Natural Anti-Aging Skin Routine

We all want to stay looking and feeling our best, and that includes appearing youthful for as long as possible.   There are several things that can contribute to the...

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What is the Best Way to Hydrate After a Workout?

What is the Best Way to Hydrate After a Workout?

  We all know the importance of hydration, and many of us make it a point to drink a ton of water after exercise. But is water really enough?   ...

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5 Unexpected Causes of Gut Issues

5 Unexpected Causes of Gut Issues

Gut health is a hot topic among the health and wellness industry, and for good reason. Research continues to show that gut health is an integral factor in our overall...

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5 Healthy Habits to Start This Summer

5 Healthy Habits to Start This Summer

Summer is the perfect time to work on new health goals. Take advantage of the warm, sunny days by getting outside and building habits to make you look and feel...

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Healthy Gut Flora: 7 Reasons Why it Matters

Healthy Gut Flora: 7 Reasons Why it Matters

  Gut health is a hot topic in the world of wellness. There is a growing amount of research showing that gut flora, made up of a wide variety of...

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