Kid's Nutrition Shake

Give your child a delicious and nourishing shake with 8g of protein from organic milk, an organic vegetable blend, and 25 vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal growth and development. 

Kid's Nutrition Shake

Give your child a delicious and nourishing shake with 8g of protein from organic milk, an organic vegetable blend, and 25 vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal growth and development. 

Additional Flavors



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Full list of ingredients


Organic Nonfat Milk, Acacia, Milk Protein Isolate, MCT Oil, Vitamins and Minerals Blend (Maltodextrin, Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid), Magnesium (as Magnesium Phosphate), Choline (as Choline Bitartrate), Iron (as Ferric Pyrophosphate), Niacin (as Niacinamide), Vitamin E (as DL-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate), Zinc (as Zinc Citrate), Pantothenic Acid (as D-CalciumPantothenate), Manganese (as Manganese Sulfate), Pyridoxine (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride), Thiamin (as Thiamin Hydrochloride), Riboflavin, Copper (as Copper Gluconate), Folic Acid, Vitamin K (as Phytonadione), Iodine (as Potassium Iodide), Molybdenum (Sodium Molybdate), Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol), Chromium(Chromium Chloride), Selenium (Sodium Selenite), Biotin), Cane Sugar, Organic Flavors, Organic Vegetable Blend (Organic Broccoli, Organic Alfalfa Grass, Organic Kale, Organic Spinach, Organic Spirulina, Organic Wheat Grass), Sea Salt, Potassium Salt, Fermented Cane Sugar (Reb-M), Monk Fruit Extract.


heAlThy, tAsty


Prepare a tasty shake in seconds that covers your child’s nutritional needs, and gives them an energetic start to a happy and healthy day.

The SeCret dIffEreNCe

Benefits OUR SHAKES Other brands
6 organic vegetable powders
High protein, only 100 calories
No artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colors
Certified Gluten-Free, GMO-Free, Soy-Free
Made in USA

As a dietitian and a mom, it’s hard to find products that actually taste good to my toddler and have ingredients 
I feel good about.


How much does one tub make? How do I use this?

Each tub of Kid’s Daily Essentials nutrition shakes contains 10 single-scoop servings. Mix one (1) scoop into 6-8 oz of water or milk of choice until dissolved.

Do Kid’s Daily Essentials Nutrition Shakes contain artificial sweeteners?

No. Kid’s Daily Essentials nutrition shakes do not contain any artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, or preservatives. It is made with premium, clean ingredients to provide well-rounded nourishment for your child. 

Are the nutrition facts before or after adding milk?

The nutrition facts on the product label and on the product page are only for the powder (before adding milk).  

Do Kid’s Daily Essentials Nutrition Shakes contain milk?

Yes, our kid’s nutrition shake mix contains 8g of protein from organic milk. As per the ingredients, this product contains Organic Nonfat Milk and Milk Protein Isolate. 

Who is this product recommended for?

Kid’s Daily Essentials nutrition shakes are the perfect product for any parent or guardian who wants to further support their child’s daily nourishment with the highest-quality ingredients. Kid’s Daily Essentials allows you to have confidence about what’s in your child’s nutrition shakes.


Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
kids protein shake

This vanilla flavor is delicious and approved by both children. It is creamy and a bit sweet in my opinion (but I'm sensitive to sweets). I blend it up in my vitamix with oat milk so that there are no chunks. This is a small canister, but even still then it is only 3/4 full. The ingredients are clean, and I love that the base is organic milk. This is a great addition to a diet that may be lacking and truly it's great for both adults and children.

Vanilla Kids Daily Essentials, Protein Shake that tastes like a treat!

I bought the vanilla flavor, and it has been a hit with my son. He loves smoothies but is usually hungry an hour later. Adding one scoop of this powder not only gives the smoothie the right amount of sweetness but also keeps him full for a longer time. I typically use bananas, mixed berries, and pineapple, and now I add this powder. They love it! I've even managed to sneak it into treats like milkshakes. My son is very picky and usually has issues with the taste of protein powders, but this is the first one he actually likes and will drink!

Jennifer Martinez
Vanilla Protein Powder

The taste is soooo good! I mixed this with milk just to try but I know this will make for a great smoothie powder too! I know it caters to children, but even for adults it makes for a healthy alternative to other protein powders. It has the vanilla flavor but has an aftertaste that I can't quite put my finger on. Surely it's still tasted good and for the price it is worth getting.

My daughter and I both like it

This Kids' Vanilla Protein Shake mixes well in both water and milk using a Blender Bottle and tastes well in both. It leaves a little sludge on the bottom of the glass in both cases, but it's not bad and not more than my typical protein powders. The directions call for one scoop, but that scoop is the size of two of my standard protein powder scoops.Most importantly, my daughter loves the flavor, and I enjoyed it too. I was particularly surprised that, despite having no added sugar, it doesn't taste "off" as low and no sugar products often do to me. The vanilla flavor is fresh and light, and it's not overly sweet.There are a lot of great ingredients and nutrients in this shake, so I'm glad my daughter enjoys it because she's usually nonstop all day and doesn't get enough to eat, which keeps her up at night with a constantly hungry stomach. She drank a full glass of this tonight and went straight to sleep, so I definitely think it's a keeper and worth getting again.

Clumps, but no protein powder texture

So, I think my biggest issue is that no matter what I do with this stuff, I have some clumps left behind. I've made a shake in a cup made to make protein shakes in, I've used a milk frother, I've put it in a blender. I'm not particularly willing to try more, as there are only 10 servings in a container and wasting more than 3 to find out how to get rid of clumps is not ideal. Most protein shakes work just find for me in the cup, if not, they do fine with the frother. I've never had to try the blender before but I figured it couldn't hurt. I guess there's just gonna be clumps.HOWVEVER, there is absolutely 0 protein powder texture in this stuff, and it is delicious, which is why despite the clumping, I've still rated it well. The gritty texture that some protein powders get is something I am all too familiar with, and I have not experienced that here whatsoever.The flavor is great, too. It's very sweet vanilla, and if you put it in milk, it's almost like ice cream.