
Can More Muffins Equal Healthy Weight?

Can More Muffins Equal Healthy Weight?

    Breakfast is often thought of as one of the most important meals of the day, especially if you're trying to maintain a healthy weight. The best breakfast options...

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Live an Exciting Social Life Without Sacrificing Fitness Goals

Live an Exciting Social Life Without Sacrificing Fitness Goals

  Sometimes life is about finding the right balance, and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to staying on track with your fitness goals while also maintaining a...

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5 Nutrition Myths Debunked By a Registered Dietitian

5 Nutrition Myths Debunked By a Registered Dietitian

  Health and nutrition information is everywhere. When scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, you’re bound to see some influencer touting incorrect diet claims every second or third post.  Unfortunately, even...

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bowl of quinoa a low glycemic carb

Reach Your Ideal Weight Faster With Low Glycemic Carbs

The glycemic index is a tool that assigns a value to foods based on the degree to which they increase blood sugar. Many people use the glycemic index as a...

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fodmap foods

The Low FODMAP Diet: Foods, Benefits, and Supplementation

There are many people who suffer from gastrointestinal issues. In fact, the number of people who struggle with conditions like IBS, IBD, SIBO, and Celiac disease is on the rise....

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green smoothie with raspberry for Monday reset

How to Properly Do a Monday Reset (With Sample Meal Plan)

After a long weekend of indulging, it’s helpful to bring in some healthy habits to get your week off to a healthy start. This article will explain how to recover...

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fried eggs cast iron frying pan

Metabolic Confusion: What Is It and How Does It Work?

    Metabolic confusion, also known as calorie shifting, is a restrictive diet where the daily calorie intake shifts between high and low days. This is an effort to confuse...

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Can Protein Curb Apetite and Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals?

Can Protein Curb Apetite and Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals?

Feeling hungry and having cravings are normal biological processes. They are your body’s way of telling you it needs energy or that it wants a certain food.  While experiencing hunger...

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Top 5 Foods That Naturally Increase Collagen

Top 5 Foods That Naturally Increase Collagen

Collagen supplements have grown popular thanks to their wide range of potential health benefits.  However, you can also boost your collagen intake and support your body’s natural collagen production with...

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Is It All About Calories In Calories Out?

Is It All About Calories In Calories Out?

There’s a ton of advice out there for how to lose, gain, and maintain weight. However, one of the most common methods you see is ‘calories in calories out.’  What...

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How to Recover Quickly After Holiday Eating

How to Recover Quickly After Holiday Eating

Most people tend to eat more during the holidays. With more celebrations, family gatherings, and parties, food is abundant.  It’s important to navigate the holidays in a way so that...

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5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Daily Nutrient Content

5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Daily Nutrient Content

  It’s easy to become overwhelmed with advice about nutrition. There are endless diet trends telling us what to eat and what not to eat. They often contradict each other....

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