How to Break Through Brain Fog

Do you find it difficult to complete simple tasks as the day wears on? Do you forget things? Struggle to concentrate? You’re not alone. 

You may be experiencing brain fog. While it may seem harmless, it can really impact your quality of life. But what is it and how can we overcome it? Let’s dive in.

What is Brain Fog?

Brain fog is a term used to describe a combination of cognitive symptoms that make it difficult to complete daily tasks. Common symptoms of brain fog include feeling unmotivated, forgetful, difficulty focusing, concentrating, or paying attention [1].

Why You Might Experience Brain Fog

Brain fog can affect anyone at any point in their life. It can be caused by several different things including health conditions and lifestyle factors. Below are some potential causes of brain fog but keep in mind, it could also be a combination of causes.


Your lifestyle can affect your ability to concentrate and think clearly throughout the day. You may be particularly prone to experiencing brain fog if you suffer from sleep deprivation or high stress levels. This extra stress causes your body to work a lot harder than it should which can lead to mental fatigue [2, 3].


Your dietary choices also impact your cognitive abilities. Brain fog can occur in the presence of food allergies or sensitivities that may not have been diagnosed, such as nuts and dairy, nutrient deficiencies such as vitamin B12, anemia, and chronic dehydration [4, 5].

Mental Health

New onset or flare-up of anxiety or depression symptoms can trigger brain fog. While the mechanism behind this is still unknown, researchers hypothesize that it affects the network of neurons in areas of the brain that are critical for these cognitive functions, such as the hippocampus [6].

Health Conditions

The presence of certain health conditions can cause brain fog, particularly among those who suffer from hypothyroidism, diabetes, certain autoimmune conditions, and viral infections.

Changes in hormones and certain medications, such as pain and sleep medications can also trigger brain fog symptoms [7, 8].

How Brain Fog May Impact Your Life

Although it may not sound life-threatening, chronic brain fog can have a severe impact on your quality of life. Below are some ways that untreated brain fog can impact you and the things that are important to you.

Career Impacts

If you struggle to perform daily tasks, lack motivation, or have difficulty concentrating, it can affect your ability to work. Whether you are just entering your career and striving for more or you are headed towards retirement, brain fog can slow you down. 

The impact of brain fog on your career can lead to missed opportunities, job dissatisfaction, disciplinary action, and in severe cases, job loss. 

Less Satisfaction with Hobbies

If normal tasks are becoming more challenging for you to focus on, there isn’t much room left for enjoyable activities. Brain fog can rob you of your hobbies. Finding little enjoyment in your activities can increase the risk of mental health challenges such as depression. 

Personal Relationships

If you know you aren’t your best self, you may begin to isolate or detach from social situations and loved ones. This can cause a strain on personal relationships and leave you feeling alone.

Natural Remedies to Defeat Brain Fog

If you suffer from brain fog, don’t let it take over your life. Below are some natural remedies that may be able to help.

Prioritize a Healthy Diet

Choosing a balanced diet and maintaining adequate hydration can allow you to feel your best and eliminate brain fog as a result of potential nutrient deficiencies. 

Limit sugary treats, alcohol, and caffeine intake and prioritize whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy. 

Not only will this reduce brain fog but it will also reduce your chances of developing health conditions that can lead to or exacerbate brain fog.

Incorporate More Movement

There’s a strong connection between exercise and brain health as well as mental health. Adding in regular exercise, even if it’s just 10 minutes of light walking a day, can help boost your mood, reduce stress, and enhance brain function [9].

Be sure to choose a movement routine that compliments your schedule and your preferences. This will make it easier and more enjoyable to maintain. 

Get Outside

Take a break and take a step outside (weather permitting, of course). Fresh air and sunlight can help ward off brain fog and give you an opportunity to step away from your tasks that have become difficult to complete. 

The added break can boost your mood and help you think more clearly so you can come back and tackle those tasks with ease.

Emphasize Rest

Sleep deprivation can do a number on you and is a main contributor to brain fog. Thankfully, in many cases, this can be easily managed by simply prioritizing sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep each night to allow your brain to function at its best. 

Try Adaptogenic Mushrooms

Stress can wear you down and leave you susceptible to brain fog. Work on practicing stress management techniques to better cope with your daily stressors, such as yoga, mindful breathing exercises, meditation, and more. 

If stress is a persistent challenge for you, consider incorporating adaptogenic mushrooms, such as lion’s mane into your daily routine. Adaptogens are compounds that have been found to help your body resist stress [10].

However, if you plan to add these in, be sure to do so mindfully and choose a product from a trusted brand that offers third-party testing, such as our recovery mushrooms supplement

Naked Recovery offers 1000mg of adaptogenic herbs per serving to help you balance physical and cognitive stress.


Brain fog can make you feel unmotivated, forgetful, and have difficulty focusing, concentrating, or paying attention and it can severely impact your career, personal relationships, and satisfaction from life [1].

Brain fog can be caused or exacerbated by a variety of factors including sleep deprivation, stress, poor diet, medication, and certain health conditions. 

You can manage brain fog by prioritizing a healthy diet, incorporating more movement, getting adequate sleep, getting outside, and practicing stress management techniques or trying out adaptogens. Don’t let brain fog take control of your life.