
What is Protein Denaturation?

What is Protein Denaturation?

As a fitness-minded individual, you understand the importance of getting adequate levels of quality protein in your diet. You likely pay a fair amount of attention to both the quality and quantity...

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What is Lean Whey Protein?

What is Lean Whey Protein?

You likely already have a basic understanding of what whey protein is. But where do you even start when it comes to all the adjectives that get thrown around when...

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Does Protein Powder Expire?

Does Protein Powder Expire?

Quick answer:   Yes, protein powder can expire due to Maillard browning - the breakdown of lysine, a key amino acid in protein powders. To check if your protein powder...

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Protein in Spinach vs. Protein Powder

Protein in Spinach vs. Protein Powder

Lately spinach has also been getting a lot of attention based on its fairly impressive protein content – especially among vegans and vegetarians. How does the protein in spinach compare...

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What Does Collagen Do?

What Does Collagen Do?

Collagen has become a popular supplement. So, exactly what is collagen good for? What does collagen do that has allowed it to become so popular?    

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What is Casein Protein and Should I Use It?

What is Casein Protein and Should I Use It?

Among the many protein sources on the market, the two best-known are the milk proteins whey and casein. Although, whey tends to get most of the attention, casein protein powder...

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Goat Whey Protein vs. Cow Whey Protein

Goat Whey Protein vs. Cow Whey Protein

Americans are only just starting to get comfortable with goat's milk and its products. Goat’s milk, cheese and even whey are becoming common. You might wonder: what's the difference? How...

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lactose intolerance protein

Best Proteins For A Dairy-Free Lifestyle

Whey protein is the gold-standard protein powder for those looking to increase lean body mass. But it’s not the best option for those who are following a dairy-free diet.  So...

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Protein Shake Before Bed

A Protein Shake Before Bed: Is it a Good Idea?

Do you ever feel like there needs to be a way to catch a break between keeping up with a workout routine and making sure nutrition is on point?  You...

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difference between casein and whey protein

The Difference Between Casein and Whey Protein

Casein and whey are two terms that get thrown around a lot when discussing protein sources. Both have some similarities, but they are different and act differently in our bodies....

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