Benefits of Early Morning Protein Powder

You've always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And plenty of science backs this up.


According to 2019 Yale University School of Medicine review, a high-protein diet may have, considerable beneficial effects on satiety and weight control.


But they do mention that there could be caveats such as such as increased acid load to the kidneys or high fat content of animal proteins. You should consult with your doctor or nutritionist before making significant changes to your diet.


But in general, it is a good idea to start the day off right with a protein-rich meal.


According to the experts, breakfast should not be the starchy, carby affair – full of juice and cereal and bread - that it normally is.


Instead, some simple protein powder might be exactly what you need.


What They Did


In an effort to decipher what a proper breakfast looks like, researchers at the University of Missouri enlisted 20 women who commonly skip the meal altogether. The subjects were then separated into three groups.


Aerial view of a healthy breakfast spread on a wooden table with a woman's hands in the shot picking up a piece of toast


The first group ate 350 calories worth of cereal, containing about 13g of protein. Another group also ate 350 calories. This time, though, that fuel came in the form of eggs and beef – packing about 35g of protein. Finally, the remaining subjects didn't get any breakfast at all.


On the seventh day of their chosen diet, the participants hung out in a lab where their behavioral, hormone levels, neurological response to food and cravings were all monitored closely.


Dinner and snacks were provided freely, allowing the subjects to eat until they were full.


What They Found


At the end of all this, the different diets were compared. Not surprisingly, eating any sort of breakfast was more effective at suppressing hungry than no breakfast at all.


However, the protein-rich meals did a much better job at reducing food cravings – on a practical, hormonal and neurological level. The high-protein group simply didn't want food.


Not only that, but when they did snack, the protein group was less likely to choose high-fat and calorie-dense foods than those that ate cereal.


What We Learn


So, what real-world application can you draw from this study?


Simply getting 35g of protein first thing in the morning is a powerful way to control your appetite throughout the day. Honestly, though, 35g of protein is a bit much.


Metal scoop of whey protein powder on a table


Remember, this was accomplished in the study with beef and eggs – a hot meal that takes time to prepare. This might not work for you.


To get around these restrictions, consider protein powder. Easily mixed with water or milk, protein powder can provide you with all the protein that you need.


Plus, your drinkable breakfast can be prepared in seconds and taken with you as you rush out the door.