Why it is Vital for Kids to Be Active

The question of whether children should exercise is more pertinent than ever. 

We live in a fast-paced world where technology plays a significant role in making people more sedentary, especially children. Making time for regular physical activity is crucial for the physical, mental, and emotional development of children. 

When understanding appropriate exercise for children, it’s essential to understand the types of activities that are beneficial for them, and which activities contribute to their overall growth, health, and well-being. 

Why Kids Need to Be Active

Exercise is a fundamental component of a healthy lifestyle for children. Keeping kids active allows for the development of strong muscles and bones and supports the development of healthy coordination and balance. 

In addition to the physical benefits that exercise provides, regular movement plays a role in positive mental health and can even reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

When kids accomplish a goal, play on a sports team, or simply explore outside, it can help foster a sense of community, achievement, and self-esteem. 

What Types of Sports are Good For Kids?

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to sports for kids. Children will have different interests and it’s important to tailor the activities to what the child may express more interest in, and what is age-appropriate.  

Team sports such as soccer, basketball, or baseball are excellent for promoting teamwork, fostering community, and developing social skills. On the other hand, individual sports such as gymnastics, running, or martial arts can help develop discipline and focus (1).

It’s important to consider age-appropriate activities as well. Younger children may benefit from activities that focus on fun and basic motor skills like running, jumping, or exploring the outdoors. Some children may find enjoyment in more creative forms of movement such as dance, which is important to encourage as well (1). 

Regardless of the physical activities that children engage in, it’s best to encourage children to participate in a wide variety of sports to help them discover their preferences and develop a range of skills. 

Try New Things

Trying new things is important for everyone, however, children can particularly benefit from learning new skills and being exposed to new activities. The newness not only keeps children excited, but it also encourages them to find things they might be passionate about. 

Encouraging children to try new sports can help them develop a lifelong love for physical activity, helping them to grow into capable and active adults. 

At What Age is it Safe to Strength Train?

However, when children engage in movement, ensuring their safety is the most important. Strength training is one area of physical activity that needs to be monitored closely to ensure children are engaging in activities that are safe and appropriate. 

Typically, children can begin strength training when they are able to follow instructions and understand the importance of proper form, which can sometimes be as early as 7 or 8 years old (2). 

However, it’s crucial that children use light weights or resistance bands that focus on repetitions with proper technique. Having supervision by a knowledgeable adult is key to ensure safety and effectiveness. 

There are benefits to strength training, even at a young age. Strength training can improve bone density and support overall physical development when done correctly.

Can Kids Do Bodyweight Exercises

If children are not quite ready for utilizing actual weights or resistance bands, doing bodyweight exercises is always an excellent idea. Plus, children don’t risk using weights that are too heavy for their muscles to handle. 

Exercises like pushups, bodyweight squats, planks, and lunges are very safe and effective forms of exercise that can help develop strength in children. Plus, all of these exercises can be modified to suit different fitness levels and abilities. 

Encouraging children to do bodyweight exercises is a great idea and can help children develop good form in other activities they do as well.

The Problems With Sedentary Lifestyle for Kids

People in general are not meant to live overly sedentary lifestyles, and even for kids, an inactive lifestyle poses some risks. 

Prolonged periods of inactivity can lead to blood sugar regulation issues, the development of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and can even weaken the immune system. Additionally, a lack of physical activity has negative consequences on long-term mental health, as it can contribute to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. 

Fostering a healthy relationship with movement and engaging in regular physical activity in childhood, helps set people up to live a healthier life in adulthood. 

In fact, the 2020 WHO Guidelines recommend that children should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily (3).

Encouraging children to increase physical activity and reduce screen time is necessary for their development, current health, and future health. 

Kids Nutrition for Optimal Development

Along with living an active lifestyle, ensuring proper nutrition is crucial for kids’ development. Maintaining a balanced diet with adequate essential nutrients is necessary for growth, cognitive development, and physical well-being. 

When considering the nutrition that kids need, it’s first and foremost important to ensure they’re getting an appropriate balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Ensuring an adequate balance of macronutrients will help keep kids feeling full and focused throughout the day. A balanced diet should also include plenty of fruits and vegetables to ensure adequate vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Check out our kids protein shake with 8g of milk from organic protein, plus 25 vitamins and minerals. 


Children should be encouraged to exercise to ensure healthy physical and mental well-being. It’s important to encourage a variety of sports and types of physical activities to keep children engaged and interested in different ways to move their bodies. Regardless of how children are exercising, ensuring their safety is of course the most important. 

In addition to ensuring adequate exercise and movement, providing children with proper nutrition fosters healthy growth, development, and can set the tone for children growing up to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Helping kids develop a healthy relationship with food and exercise is one of the best investments to make in their long-term health and well-being.