
What is Starting Strength?

What is Starting Strength?

There are many lifting programs out there, but one in particular gathered a lot of attention. Starting Strength is a program by coach and fitness writer Mark Rippetoe. But what exactly is it?

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Healthy Snack Ideas To Gain Muscle

Healthy Snack Ideas To Gain Muscle

When you’re trying to gain muscle, you need to make sure you’re getting in the right nutrients. Here's variety of healthy snacks that will give you the energy you need...

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Morning Workouts vs. Evening Workouts

Morning Workouts vs. Evening Workouts

A common question is whether morning workouts are better than afternoon or evening sessions? As it turns out there are some pretty solid reasons to consider working out in the mornings.

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Pre-Workout for Weight Loss

Pre-Workout for Weight Loss

It’s no secret that the health and fitness world is filled with confusing myths and misconceptions. Pre-workout supplements are a prime example. But did you know that pre-workouts can also aid in weight loss...

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Male athlete in push-up position on the floor

How to Build Muscle with Bodyweight Exercises

You don’t need to put your fitness goals on hold just because you can’t make it to the gym. Here's how you can challenge yourself with bodyweight exercises to build muscle. 

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fitness statistics featured image

50 Fitness Statistics to Keep You Motivated in 2020

      The fitness industry is a huge market that continues to grow each year. It’s evolved from gym rats pumping heavy iron and spending hours on exercise bikes...

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jump rope workouts header image

Best Jump Rope Workouts for Beginners

  When it comes to fitness and exercise, too often the advice is aimed at people that are looking to lose weight. And while a healthy weight is essential to...

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