
Does Sugar Affect Muscle Growth?

Does Sugar Affect Muscle Growth?

Sugar has developed a bad reputation over the years, but, in reality, the nutrient can also aid muscle growth when used properly. Let's take a look at a breakdown of how that...

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How Grass-Fed Whey Helps Recovery

How Grass-Fed Whey Helps Recovery

Grass-fed whey protein offers many health benefits and people use it for all sorts of reasons. But how can grass-fed whey also help you between workouts and what does it...

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The Dangers of Overtraining

The Dangers of Overtraining

The fitness world has adopted a 'no-pain-no-gain' mentality, but this isn't going to help you reach your goals. Working out too much can damage your body, so how can you...

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Strategic Carbs for Building Muscle

Strategic Carbs for Building Muscle

Many athletes avoid carbohydrates as there is a belief that they only cause weight gain, but carbs aren't actually bad. So, how can you use carbs strategically for muscle building?

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How Massage Helps Muscle Recovery

How Massage Helps Muscle Recovery

Massage is typically known to have a variety of different health benefits, including improving muscle recovery after working out. But how exactly does it help and how efficient is it?

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Why You Should Drink Chocolate Milk After a Workout

Why You Should Drink Chocolate Milk After a Workout

While chocolate milk isn't typically regarded as a health food, it may just be a great post-workout snack. Here's what makes chocolate milk so useful after your workouts.

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Best High Protein Snacks for Between Meals

Best High Protein Snacks for Between Meals

Making the right nutritional decisions when you're hungry isn't the easiest thing to do. However, you do need to keep your goals in mind. Here are a few healthy snack...

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Can Too Much Protein Powder Make You Fat?

Can Too Much Protein Powder Make You Fat?

The main idea of protein powder is to develop a lean physique and gain muscle. But some people ask if consuming too much protein powder leads weight gain. Here's the...

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Daylight Savings Survival Tip: Get Some Exercise During the Day

Daylight Savings Survival Tip: Get Some Exercise During the Day

Most people don't pay attention to the shift of daylights savings time until they feel the mental and physical fatigue a few days later. Here's how exercising during the day...

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Best Hiking Snacks to Pack for the Trails

Best Hiking Snacks to Pack for the Trails

When you go hiking, it's essential that you prepare and make sure that you pack some snacks beforehand. Here are some of the best snacks that you should take on...

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Pre-Workout for Weight Loss

Pre-Workout for Weight Loss

It’s no secret that the health and fitness world is filled with confusing myths and misconceptions. Pre-workout supplements are a prime example. But did you know that pre-workouts can also aid in weight loss...

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