How Do You Know if Creatine is Working?

Creatine is one of the most popular and well-researched supplements. 

It’s been proven to improve athletic performance, boost muscle growth, and speed up recovery. 

Many people take creatine on a regular basis to enhance their workouts and optimize muscle growth. 

Some people may be unsure if the results they are seeing are from creatine or from something else. So, how do you really know if your creatine is working? Understanding how creatine works and knowing what to expect can help you understand if creatine is working for you. 

What are the Signs that Creatine is Working?

When taking creatine, there are various factors to stay aware of to understand its impact. 

Increased Strength and Power

Perhaps the change you might notice first when you start taking creatine is the increase in strength and power during a workout (1). 

You may notice that you’re able to lift heavier weights or do more reps before fatigue. You may also notice your potential for more explosive power during your session. 

If this is the case for you, it’s likely that creatine is doing its job effectively. 

Enhanced Muscle Endurance

Creatine allows the muscles to work longer during high-intensity exercise before reaching a state of fatigue. 

Many people notice that with creatine they are able to complete more sets. 

If this is the case, it’s a good indicator that creatine is helping to improve your muscular endurance. 

Muscle Fullness and Increased Size

Not only will endurance improve in the gym, but the physical appearance of your muscles can change too with creatine. 

Creatine is a molecule that draws water into muscle cells, which therefore makes them look larger. In just a few weeks of supplementing with creatine, many athletes notice their muscles looking more full. 

This is a good sign that your muscle’s creatine stores are being saturated. 

Faster Recovery Between Workouts

If you notice that you’re able to recover after a tough workout in less time than usual, it’s possibly because of your creatine supplement. 

Creatine has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery time. 

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts love this aspect of creatine as it allows them to get back to training quicker so they can continue to work towards their fitness goals. 

Increased Body Weight

Creatine causes an increase in fluid retention in the muscles. Plus, muscle mass itself typically increases when taking creatine, especially when paired with a solid resistance training regimen. 

The fluid shift alone will likely lead to an increase in body weight, although it’s important to note that this weight increase is from water weight, not from fat mass. 

In the first couple of weeks of taking creatine, people may notice slight weight gain of about 1 to 3 pounds. 

Weight fluctuations when taking creatine are totally normal and expected as creatine is doing its job. 

Can You Feel Creatine Working?

There is no immediate particular feeling that athletes get when they take a creatine supplement. 

Unlike a pre-workout that gives rapid energy, creatine has a more gradual effect. Over time, creatine supplements saturate muscles with phosphocreatine. 

So while you won’t particularly “feel” your muscles being saturated with creatine, you will start to notice changes in your performance ability and physique. Changes in athletic output, recovery time, and physique are solid indicators that your creatine is working. 

How Do I Make Sure Creatine is Working?

As with any supplement or habit, consistency is key to reap the benefits. To ensure that your creatine supplement is working effectively, it’s important to follow some basic guidelines and recommendations. 

For one, consistently taking creatine is one of the best things you can do. Even on rest days, taking creatine can help keep your muscles adequately saturated. 

Since creatine draws water into the muscle cells, adequate body water is necessary for this to occur. Ensure you’re staying very well hydrated, as being dehydrated can make creatine less effective. 

In addition to taking your supplement regularly, it’s important to pair it with good nutrition habits. Creatine cannot replace the benefits of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Ensure to consume a diet with adequate calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fats to put your body in an anabolic state where it is able to put on muscle. 

At the time of day when you take your creatine supplement, it’s recommended to take it alongside carbohydrates and protein for optimal absorption and utilization (2).

How Long Does it Take for Creatine to Work?

Creatine can take anywhere from 5 days or so, to 2 to 4 weeks, depending on your dosing plan. 

There are typically two options when it comes to dosing creatine: a loading phase followed by a maintenance phase, or simply a consistent maintenance phase. 

Starting with a loading phase means that people are taking approximately 20 grams of creatine daily for about a week. 

Then, they would lower their dose to a maintenance amount. A loading phase results in more rapid changes in muscle strength and growth, however some people experience some negative digestive side effects from this method. 

Alternatively, without a loading phase, individuals can take a maintenance dose of 3-5 grams of creatine daily. This amount is just as effective, however, it takes a few weeks or so until the muscles build up their creatine stores. 

How Much Water Should I Take With Creatine?

Staying adequately hydrated when taking creatine is crucial. Creatine pulls water into muscle cells, and therefore requires proper hydration to work most effectively and help you feel your best. 

At baseline, it’s recommended that adults consume at least 64oz of water daily. When taking creatine, it’s recommended to consume an additional 16oz of water per 3-5 grams of creatine. 

How Much Creatine Should I Take For Muscle Gain?

The amount of creatine you should take for muscle gains doesn’t really change from person to person. Rather, the more appropriate question to ask is how quickly do you need to see muscle gain results?

If you’re looking for more rapid results, it’s best to start with a loading phase dose of 20 grams of creatine daily for 5-7 days, followed by a maintenance dose of 3-5 grams daily. With this method, you’re likely to see results in as quick as a week (3). 

If you’re in less of a rush and don’t want to manage potential side effects, starting with a maintenance dose is just as effective for muscle gains. The only difference is how quickly you will see results. When skipping the loading phase and sticking to 3-5 grams daily, you can expect to see muscle gain results in about 3-4 weeks. 


Creatine is a popular supplement among fitness enthusiasts, and for good reason. It’s been linked to improved performance, increased muscular energy and strength, increased muscle gains, and faster recovery after tough workouts. 

If you notice these muscle and performance benefits, it’s likely that your creatine is working well. 

Although creatine’s effects aren’t immediate, pay attention to longer term improvements over the course of a few weeks or so. 

To maximize the benefits of your creatine supplement, always make sure to stay adequately hydrated, stay consistent with your workouts, and follow a solid nutrition plan.