Improve Mental Clarity With Lion's Mane


Lion’s Mane mushrooms seem to be popping up everywhere lately.

They have some pretty profound health benefits and are quite versatile in how they are consumed. 

Some may choose to saute Lion’s Mane mushrooms as a side dish with dinner, while others may purchase a supplement for more potent effects. 

This article will explain what Lion’s Mane is, how Lion’s Mane mushrooms can help with focus and cognitive performance, as well as ways to incorporate lion’s mane in your daily wellness routine. 

What is Lion’s Mane?

Lion’s mane mushrooms don’t look like the typical mushroom you’d find in the grocery store. They’re large and shaggy, resembling the mane of a lion.

Lion’s mane mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many years (1).

The mushroom is often described as somewhat “meaty”, and many people believe it has a similar texture to crab or lobster, making it versatile in a wide variety of dishes.  

Lion’s mane mushrooms have many science-backed health benefits and can be used as both a powerful healing food and supplement. 

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms Can Help with Focus

Perhaps one of the most well-researched benefits of lion’s mane mushrooms is its impact on improving mental capacity and focus. 

As people age, it’s common to experience some lack of focus. In fact, these effects of natural cognitive decline are a result of damaged brain cells and shrinking neurons. 

Interestingly, animal studies show that lion’s mane mushroom extract can stimulate the production of new brain cells. What’s more, lion’s mane has also been shown to improve nerve cell functioning in the brain, which helps improve mental sharpness and focus (2).

So, perhaps you're finding it difficult to stay focused at work lately. Lion’s mane mushroom just might do the trick to help you stay on track and tackle your workload. 

May Improve Cognitive Performance 

Lion’s mane mushrooms have been shown to strengthen brain cells and the neuronal connections in the brain. Stronger neuronal brain connections lead to clearer and faster thinking, and overall boosted cognitive performance.

Stronger brain cells – thanks to lion’s mane – helps protect the brain from damage or neurological disease (4).

They have also been shown to reduce amyloid plaque – a protein that inhibits neurons and impairs normal cognition (3).

Additionally, lion’s mane mushrooms are rich in antioxidants and they have potent anti-inflammatory properties. When it comes to brain health, antioxidants prevent free radicals from causing damage or inflammation to brain cells. 

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms May Improve Memory

In addition to sharpening focus and enhancing cognitive performance, lion’s mane mushrooms may also improve memory.

The aging brain loses its ability to grow and form new neural connections, which can explain why older adults may experience impaired memory (5).

Luckily, there are compounds in lion’s mane mushrooms that help form new brain cells, thereby improving memory. 

What’s more, animal studies have found that consuming lion’s mane mushrooms may be protective against memory loss diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

While there have been promising studies to suggest that lion’s mane boosts memory, most of the studies have been conducted in animals. Therefore, more human studies are needed to further understand how lion’s mane impacts memory (6).

Benefits Beyond Mental Performance

By now you probably understand that lion’s mane has many mental health benefits such as improved focus, cognition, and memory. 

However, lion’s mane is not just amazing for brain health. 

It’s also great for boosting the immune system, improving digestive health, and protecting against chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. 

Largely due to the mushroom’s impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, lion’s mane is protective against many ailments and conditions. 

How to add Lion’s Mane Mushrooms to your Wellness Routine

Clearly, lion’s mane mushrooms have been a part of traditional healing remedies for good reason. 

So, what’s the best way to add it to your diet?

Ultimately, you have two choices: cook the mushrooms, or take them in supplement form. 

If you choose to cook the mushrooms, there are a variety of ways you can prepare them. Lion’s mane tastes delicious by simply slicing and sauteing them with garlic and olive oil. You can also add lion’s mane to a soup, stew, or chili, for example. 

However, the caveat with cooking lion’s mane mushrooms is that they can be somewhat difficult to find. Unless you are at a local farmers market or a specialty health food store, it might make more sense to consume lion’s mane as a supplement instead. 

Plus, taking lion’s mane as a supplement is a lot more convenient and you can of course harness the power of mushrooms when you’re traveling or on-the-go. 

When it comes to lion’s mane supplements, you have a few options. Lion’s mane supplements are available as a powder, capsule, or extract.

Our recovery mushroom supplement Naked Recovery is a great option for a lion’s mane supplement in powder form. Simply blend 1 scoop of the powder with water or any other beverage of choice. The product contains a blend of mushrooms which work together to provide a powerful and healing supplement for the mind and body. 

Key Takeaways

Lion’s mane mushrooms are super rich in nutrients and health benefits. They’re particularly great for boosting brain health and mental performance.  

Studies show that this shaggy, white mushroom may enhance cognitive performance, improve memory, sharpen focus, and reduce the risk of brain and non-brain related disease. 

It’s pretty easy to add lion’s mane to your diet through diet or supplements – but taking it in supplement form is likely easiest and will provide the most powerful effects.  
