How to Get Started With Pre-Workout for Best Results

Seeing results in the gym takes consistent effort but that consistent effort takes a lot out of you sometimes. While the drive to push through your workout may get you through most days, other days it may be a struggle just to show up. This is where pre-workout supplements come in.

Pre-workout supplements are performance-enhancing nutrition products that were created to help give you a boost to power through challenging workouts. These products are typically multi-ingredient formulas that you can mix into water and take shortly before your workout to boost your energy.

Understanding Pre-Workout Supplements

There is a vast variety of pre-workout products on the market, each varying in their formulation. Most products include multiple ingredients that are aimed at improving energy for better performance. 

How do pre-workout supplements enhance performance?

Common ingredients in these products include caffeine, creatine, various amino acids, and B vitamins. How performance is enhanced will depend on the ingredients included. 

For example, caffeine can help provide a pre-workout boost in energy levels by reducing perceived fatigue and making your workouts seem easier [1]. 

Meanwhile, ingredients like creatine in pre-workout supplements boost exercise performance by increasing phosphocreatine levels in the muscle tissue. This is responsible for generating energy for muscle contraction, therefore increasing it allows you to do more at a higher intensity for longer such as lifting heavier weights for more reps [2].

Below is a breakdown of some of the most common pre-workout ingredients and their function in these products. 

What are the key ingredients in a pre-workout supplement?


Caffeine helps to provide energy, boost mental focus, and increase alertness while decreasing feelings of fatigue, all of which can help to enhance various aspects of exercise performance. In fact, caffeinated products, such as pre-workout supplements, have been found to aid in enhancing both anaerobic and aerobic exercise performance [1, 3].


Creatine is one of the most extensively studied performance-enhancing products on the market. It is a common additive in pre-workout supplements due to its effects on intramuscular phosphocreatine levels which contribute to the production of the energy substrate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). An increase in ATP provides an increase in energy output during short bouts of high-intensity exercise. Research suggests it may also be beneficial in facilitating recovery following exercise-induced muscle damage [2]. 

Amino Acids

Amino acids are another common pre-workout ingredient. These can be found in groups or as individual amino acids. Common ones include the following:


Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of essential amino acids that contain a branched chain in their chemical structure. These include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Research supports BCAAs for improving exercise performance in various ways including reducing fatigue during your workout and providing a source of energy for extended periods of exercise [4, 5].


Beta-alanine is a type of non-essential amino acid that helps to elevate carnosine levels in your muscles. Carnosine is a compound that helps to reduce the accumulation of lactic acid in your muscle tissue during exercise. Higher levels of carnosine are believed to help improve athletic performance [6].


Citrulline is a type of non-essential amino acid that is believed to help boost endurance during exercise. It’s hypothesized that L-citrulline helps to enhance the effects of compounds such as L-arginine and nitric oxide which exhibit a positive effect on blood flow. Better blood flow allows for improved oxygen circulation and better endurance levels [7].


Taurine is a semi-essential amino acid that is sometimes found in pre-workout supplements due to its proposed benefits in reducing muscular fatigue [8]. 

B Vitamins 

B vitamins are another common additive to pre-workout supplements because they are required for the formation of energy molecules which can enhance exercise performance. B vitamins may also help ward off feelings of fatigue. [9].

Usage Guidelines

If you are new to taking pre-workout supplements, you may be wondering about the proper way to use them including timing, whether or not you should take them with food, and how often you should be using them.

How long before my workout should I take a pre-workout supplement?

Be sure to read the supplement directions on the product you choose as these can vary. Most pre-workout supplements are intended to be taken shortly before your workout, within 15-60 minutes for best results.

Because they are intended to be taken very soon before exercise, it is not required to take pre-workout supplements with food in most cases. Especially if the product suggests taking it less than 30 minutes before exercise as this can impede digestion.

Can I take pre-workout supplements on an empty stomach?

Most pre-workout products are safe to take on an empty stomach to avoid any digestive discomfort during your workout but including a small pre-workout snack with your supplement won’t hurt in some cases. In fact, it could provide extra nutrients that will help fuel your workout and recovery but be careful not to eat too much too soon before exercise.

How often should I take pre-workout supplements?

Pre-workout products are only intended to be taken before your workout. This means you likely won’t be taking them every day and probably don’t want to. Many pre-workout products contain high levels of caffeine which your body can get used to over time. If you take them every day you may notice they become less effective. 

If you do high-intensity or strength training workouts 3-4 days a week then those are the days you want to include your pre-workout and should avoid them on rest days. 

Safety and Side Effects

Are there any side effects associated with pre-workout supplements?

Most pre-workout supplements are considered safe however, like any dietary supplement there is a risk for consumer side effects. Potential side effects associated with pre-workout products will vary based on the ingredients and the individual taking them. Common side effects include: [10, 11, 12].

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • High blood pressure
  • Nausea 
  • Water retention/bloating
  • Cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Tachycardia (elevated heart rate)
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Anxiety
  • paraesthesia
  • Allergic reactions
  • jitteriness
  • Caffeine addiction

These supplements may not be appropriate for those who are sensitive to certain ingredients, such as caffeine. It’s also important to be mindful of the timing of your workouts as these products can interfere with your sleep if taken in the evening.

Are pre-workout supplements safe for long-term use?

If you notice any uncomfortable side effects from taking pre-workout supplements, consider the ingredients in the product you have. It’s important to note that some side effects are more likely in those who are misusing pre-workout supplements, such as those who take larger than recommended servings, or who take these supplements more frequently than recommended [12].

For example, if you are experiencing insomnia or jitters, swap out your pre-workout for caffeine-free options. If you are experiencing water retention, look for a product that contains less or no creatine. And if you are experiencing paresthesia, look for a product that contains less or no niacin as these ingredients are typically associated with those side effects. 

Can pre-workout supplements cause dependency or tolerance?

In some cases, pre-workout supplements can cause dependence or tolerance, particularly to ingredients such as caffeine and creatine. This means you may require higher amounts to get the same effect or you may start to feel like you can’t get a good workout unless you have that product to give you a boost. 

What should I do if I experience negative side effects from a pre-workout supplement?

There are no proven adverse effects of taking pre-workout supplements long term however, there is more research needed on any possible health implications of this so it’s best to practice caution. Use pre-workout supplements only on workout days and ensure you take them as directed on the product label [12]. 

Practical Tips

Can I take pre-workout supplements with other supplements or medications?

If you are taking medication for an existing health condition, make sure to reach out to your primary care physician before taking a pre-workout supplement. Some ingredients in these products may interact with various medications or health conditions.

Additionally, the ingredients in pre-workout products may interact with ingredients in other dietary supplements. It is okay to combine certain supplements with pre-workout products but it depends on the supplement. 

How do I properly store pre-workout supplements?

For example, some individuals will combine a pre-workout with creatine (if their pre-workout doesn’t already contain it) and this is usually fine. However some combinations of supplements can cause reactions in individuals and potentially alter the effects, therefore it’s important to use caution when combining dietary supplements.

If you are taking a pre-workout, be sure you are storing it properly to maintain effectiveness. Pre-workout powders should be stored in a cool, dry place away from any potential exposure to moisture. 


Pre-workout supplements can be a great way to boost exercise performance so you can get more out of your workouts but there are many things to consider. Always be aware of the ingredients in your pre-workout supplements, especially if you are experiencing any negative side effects. 

Always take your supplements as directed on the label and only take pre-workout products on the days you are working out to avoid dependency or tolerance. In some cases, it might be beneficial to take a break from pre-workout products for a while to avoid these issues.

Store your products properly in a cool, dry place away from exposure to moisture and always speak with your doctor or healthcare provider before adding a pre-workout supplement to your routine if you have any health conditions or take any medications.