How to Reset Your Sleeping Schedule When You’re Working From Home

Working from home has its perks.

You have more control over your workspace, you enjoy better work-life balance, and maybe you just feel like you have more choices when it comes to how you structure your day.

You even end up saving time and money because you can skip the commute.

But for all the benefits of working from home, it also comes with a couple of drawbacks. 

Some people find it more difficult to stay motivated, whether it’s fitness or personal goals, when they’re spending the vast majority of their time at home.

For others, the big challenge is maintaining a consistent sleeping schedule and routine.

The problem with bad sleep habits

When you had to be in your office at a specific time each day, you didn’t have much of a choice but to wake up at the same time. 

And as much as you may have despised having to crawl out of under the blankets on gloomy winter mornings, it kept your sleeping habits consistent. 

But now you can wake up whenever, and go to bed whenever, unless you have an early morning Zoom call with the team. That’s great, but maybe more and more you find that you’re not falling asleep till 2 AM, and you’re waking up late as well.

And the days you do have to get up early, you end up getting less than adequate sleep, and it messes up your entire day.

Good sleep is of paramount importance when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. If you’re frequently not sleeping well, your health may suffer in various ways, including the following.

  • You may feel irritable
  • Your brain may not function as well as usual
  • You might start gaining weight
  • Your cravings for junk food may increase (part of the reason for the weight gain)
  • Your workouts can suffer
  • Over time, your immune system may weaken 

On top of all of that, people with consistently poor sleep can be at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. 

But you don’t need us to tell you that good sleep is important. You already know that you’re not at your best without good sleep.

So, the question is, how do you fix your sleeping schedule when the routine has gone out the window?

Let’s take a look at a few things you can do to restore optimal sleeping patterns.

Create an evening routine


You’ve probably heard about the benefits of a morning routine. Likewise, having an evening routine can also help, especially for sleep habits.

It doesn’t need to be something too elaborate to be effective.

Could be something as simple as limiting screen time before you go to bed. Or maybe you read for an hour (preferably a physical book). 

One habit many find beneficial is to do some sort of journaling or a mindfulness practice. These practices can have a relaxing effect on you, helping you fall asleep quicker.

Limit blue light exposure


Your screens, whether it's the TV, laptop, or your smartphone, all have something called blue light.

Blue light is high-frequency, and it can disrupt melatonin, a hormone that promotes falling asleep. 

If you must use your devices before you fall asleep, install a blue light blocking app on your phone or laptop.

Eat a healthy diet


Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, high quality proteins, and healthy fats, is beneficial for your body in numerous ways. 

Eating well will also promote better sleep quality. There is some evidence that may suggest a potential link between higher fruits and vegetables consumption and better sleep quality.

If you find it challenging to eat a wide variety of vegetables consistently, you can also take a green superfood powder like Naked Greens.

One of the ingredients in Naked Greens in ashwagandha, an ancient ayurvedic herb that has been shown to positively impact sleep quality.


Exercise regularly, but early in the day


Finally, there’s exercise. Just like a healthy diet, exercise is vital for longevity and quality of life. How much you exercise can also impact how well you sleep.

Exercise can affect sleep in a number of ways. It has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress, which can promote better sleep. 

Besides, if you physically exhaust yourself, it only makes sense that you’ll be more tired and it’ll be easier to doze off. 

But if you’ve been having trouble falling asleep after late exercise, try switching your workouts to the morning. 

Whether you hit the gym, or do your workouts at home, getting it done early in the morning can make it easier for you to wind down at a reasonable hour at night. 

Final thoughts

At some point or another, it happens to most of us. Our sleep routine goes out the window, and the quality of our rest takes a toll.

And unless we fix it, we soon start experiencing other issues like increased cravings for junk food, impaired cognitive function, and irritability.

The good news is that with a little bit of planning and discipline, you can steadily start shifting your sleeping habits back to an optimal routine.