7 Ideas for Wellness During National Men’s Health Week

Each year in June, leading up to Father’s Day, National Men’s Health Week is observed to raise awareness about various health conditions that affect a large number of men around the world, like prostate issues, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, among others.


National Men’s Health Week provides an occasion and opportunity to make positive changes in your life that promote overall health and reduce your odds of developing conditions like diabetes and heart disease.


But it doesn’t have to be only the men. This could be an excellent opportunity for anyone to join and support the men in your lives, whether it’s your husband, father, son, brother, or friend, and encourage them to make healthier changes.


Here are seven ideas to promote better health during National Men’s Health Week.


1. Try a new magnesium-rich food


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only one in ten Americans eat an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis.


What’s more, is that around half of American adults aren’t getting the recommended daily amount of magnesium due to a lack of fruits and vegetables in their diet.


Magnesium is an incredibly essential mineral that plays a role in hundreds of biochemical functions in the body, as well as fighting against type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


Magnesium-rich foods you can try during Men’s Health Week.


Avocados – They’re not just meant for Instagram-worthy toasts. Avocados are a nutrition powerhouse, including being rich in magnesium and other vital minerals like potassium.

Brazil nuts – 1 oz. of brazil nuts provide around 25% of daily magnesium. They’re also rich in selenium, an immune-boosting that acts as an antioxidant, among many other benefits. 


Chickpeas – One of the most complete plant-based proteins that is also rich in magnesium. If you’ve enjoyed hummus, it’s primarily made of chickpeas.


Green leafy vegetables – Kale, spinach, mustard greens, etc., are all magnesium-rich foods that will also benefit your body in many other ways. 


2. Stand up more during work


If you work on a computer, you most likely spend the vast majority of your day sitting down in less-than-ideal posture. 


Spending too much time on a chair can contribute to various problems, like weakened glute muscles, back/hip pain, as well as increasing your risk of cardiovascular diseases due to a sedentary lifestyle.


Try standing up for part of the workday. Evidence suggests that people who stand more frequently burn more calories, which could lower their risk of obesity. It could also contribute to more stable blood sugar levels and boost your energy levels during the day. 

3. 1-minute meditation breaks


Mindfulness practices like meditation have been shown to help reduce stress, anxiety, and to improve emotional health.


Stress and anxiety can have a significant negative impact on your health and may contribute to a variety of diseases, including heart conditions, as well as digestive problems


The challenge that many people face when trying to start a meditation practice is that they don’t know how to do it, and they think they have to spend hours sitting under a tree to do it. But you don’t.


All you need is a few minutes a day to get the habit started. Aim for one minute of meditation each day during National Men’s Health Week. There are various apps and instructional videos online to help you get started. 


4. Learn about your health vitals


Legendary management consultant Peter Drucker famously said, “What gets measured gets improved.” You can use the same principle for your health.


Vitals like your heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and body mass index (BMI) can indicate the status of your health. Even your waist-to-hip-ratio (WHR) can indicate your risk of diabetes. 


Use Men’s Health Week as an occasion to get some of your vitals checked. Or, take the opportunity to encourage your male loved ones to measure their health, so they make the required changes if necessary. 


Paper saying 'BMI' with a tape measure and an apple on top of it


5. Cook healthier meals at home


Take out and deliveries are convenient. But unfortunately, with the exception of very few stores and services, you have very little control over the quality of ingredients. 


Cooking at home can not only be a fun new hobby to keep you occupied, but it can also contribute to better health. For example, a burger from a restaurant will most likely use white bread and conventional ground beef, and unhealthy condiments.


A burger you prepare at home can be made with grass-fed beef, you can serve it on whole-grain buns, and use avocados as a topping.If you’re watching your carbs, or on the keto diet, you can make quick snacks with our keto fat bombs. 


6. Read your food labels


Whether you’re trying to manage your weight for health purposes, or you’re trying a new diet like keto, the food labels contain important information that will impact your outcomes. 


Food labels will tell you about the calories per serving, as well as how many carbs, proteins, and fats, you’re about to eat. They will also tell you if you’re about to consume unhealthy ingredients like additives, artificial sweeteners, and colors.  


Printed nutrition facts table on a piece of paper


If you’re looking to shorten the steps between the farm and yourself, take a look at our collection of protein powders (including vegan protein) and supplements.


We only use premium, high-quality ingredients like 100% grass-fed whey protein, organic brown rice protein, etc., and never any additives.  


7. Reconnect with an old friend


Health is not just about nourishing your body, it’s also about supporting your emotional health. And nothing better for your “feels” than connecting with an old friend that you’ve lost touch with over the years. 


And as people are spending more time at home and most likely craving more meaningful connections, your friend will most likely be touched and delighted that you thought of them.


All it takes is a quick message on social media to let them know that you thought of them and you hope they are doing well. If the conversation progresses, maybe you can even schedule a Zoom or Skype call! 


Final thoughts on men’s health week


As people around the world increasingly become aware of the value of caring for their health, this Men’s Health Week is the perfect occasion and opportunity for positive changes that will have a lasting impact.


To see results, you’ll have to stick to any healthy habits for longer than a week.


Try some of the tips in this article to see what works best for you, so you can adopt them into your daily routine for the months and years to come and live a happier, healthier, more productive life.