Mass 101 Guide - How to Gain Weight

If you’ve been looking for the ultimate guide to bulking up and feeling the strongest you’ve ever felt at the gym - you are in the right place. You’ve already snagged yourself Naked Mass or Vegan Naked Mass, which means you're on the right path to moving closer to your goals. 

Now, let's take a look at a few things you can do to maximize your gains and make every scoop count.

How to Gain Weight

Gaining weight isn’t just about piling on any pound, it’s about fueling your body for the growth and strength you are looking for. This all starts with your caloric intake which comes from the macronutrients you eat daily. So, let’s get a better understanding of that. 


The first step is understanding that to meet your goals you will need to start consuming more calories than your body expends daily. This might sound straightforward, but it's how you’ll build on a solid foundation. 

The quality of these calories plays a critical role in ensuring that the weight you gain is muscle, not fat. To pinpoint your daily calorie needs, the Harris-Benedict Equation offers a reliable method, calculating your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and then adjusting based on your activity level to find your maintenance calories.

Once you've found your maintenance calories, a practical approach to begin your bulking phase is by adding 500 calories to this number. This surplus is a solid starting point for most individuals looking to increase mass without overdoing it. 

As your body adjusts and your weight gain journey progresses, monitor your results and gradually increase your calorie intake if needed. 

Keeping an eye on your intake and adjusting it to maintain a steady gain is crucial for achieving the physique you're working towards.


When trying to build the physique you’ve always wanted and maintain peak performance, such as those required for bodybuilding competitions, protein becomes an area you’ll want to focus on. 

The journey to building your ideal physique is a gradual process, often taking months or even years,  which calls for a diet rich in high-quality protein. Eating enough protein daily is not just about hitting your macronutrient targets, it's about fueling muscle recovery and growth,making sure you feel satisfied, and that as you increase your weight your body composition shifts towards muscle, not fat. 

For those of you dedicated to your physique, starting with a protein intake of 1.8 to 2.7 grams per kilogram of body weight per day provides the foundation needed to support these intensive physical demands and goals (1)

Carbs and Fat

The next step is to balance the rest of your diet with carbohydrates and fats. This isn't about filling the remaining caloric intake haphazardly, it's a strategic decision to optimize recovery, maintain energy levels, and support your overall health. 

Fats should make up around 15-20% of your total caloric intake for those focused on body composition, up to 30% if you are an athlete or have a demanding sport. Fats also help provide essential nutrients and aid in hormone regulation. 

Carbohydrates, meanwhile, fill the remaining calories, acting as your body's preferred energy source to fuel both intense training sessions and recovery (1)

How to Eat Enough Protein

While protein powders like our Naked Mass provide a convenient boost, diversifying your protein sources is key. For meat-eaters, think chicken breast, lean beef, turkey, eggs, and fish. 

Plant-based? Edamame, quinoa, tofu, tempeh, and lentils are your friends. 

Aiming for at least 30 grams of protein per meal can effortlessly elevate your daily intake to about 140 grams. When trying to increase your protein, think about these 4 easy tips for boosting your intake throughout the day. 

  • Add a high-protein milk or milk alternative to your coffee or smoothie 
  • Choose high-protein snacks like Greek yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, or nuts
  • Add an extra serving of protein to every meal, like chicken in salads or beans in stews
  • Incorporate one protein shake daily for an extra boost

Clean Bulk vs Dirty Bulk

When it comes to bulking up and adding muscle, there's a line between clean and dirty bulking that's worth understanding. 

A clean bulk focuses on quality nutrition from whole, minimally processed foods, ensuring you fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to grow without excessive fat gain. Think about lean protein sources, whole grains, and loads of fruits and veggies. 

On the flip side, dirty bulking can lean more towards throwing caution to the wind, getting your calorie intake from any source, including ultra-processed foods. While it might seem like a fast track to muscle gain, the reality isn't so straightforward. 

Research hints at a darker side to this approach, suggesting a link between heavily processed foods and health issues like obesity, metabolic syndrome, and increased cholesterol levels(3).

Although there’s a lack of long-term studies, the potential risks to heart health and weight management are clear. But, this doesn't mean there's no room for flexibility in your diet, but finding a balance that prioritizes both quantity and quality of the calories you consume.

Weight Gainer Supplement

Incorporating a weight gainer supplement like Naked Mass can make reaching your calorie and protein targets easier, especially on busy days or when you’re just not feeling up to a full meal. 

It’s about adding those extra, quality calories without resorting to junk food.


While macronutrients steal the spotlight, micronutrients are just as important for our health, muscle gain, and recovery. 

Micronutrients are packed inside our protein rich foods, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. 

They are responsible for converting the food we eat into energy, repairing cellular damage from intense workouts, and supporting our immune system, keeping us healthy and resilient against sickness. 

For athletes and those focusing on body recomposition or weight gain, the importance of micronutrients cannot be overstated. By eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, while focusing on your macronutrient intake, you provide your body with a well-rounded nutritional profile. 

Gaining Weight on a Plant-Based Diet

Yes, plant-based warriors can bulk up too! Focusing on high-protein plants and utilizing Vegan Naked Mass can ensure you’re getting enough protein to support muscle growth. 

Combine a variety of protein sources to ensure you're covering all essential amino acids. The main component of any diet where weight gain is a focus is eating excess calories and making sure you’re getting enough food - as long as you do that, you’ll be on track to meet your goals. 

Gut Health When Bulking

Bulking up doesn't mean you should compromise on gut health, as you increase your calorie intake to gain mass, paying attention to your gut can actually amplify the benefits. 

High-calorie diets, especially if not carefully planned can put a strain on your digestive system. But, if you add in a generous amount of fiber-rich foods, you not only aid digestion but also ensure the smooth transit of food, reducing the risk of bloating and discomfort. 

Fiber acts like a broom, sweeping through your digestive tract and keeping things moving. It’s even better if you start incorporating probiotic-rich foods into your diet. These foods are filled with beneficial bacteria that support a healthy gut flora, making sure you get all the benefits from your nutrient-packed meals. 

Here are four naturally high probiotic foods to consider including in your bulking diet:

  • Yogurt - Choose plain, unsweetened varieties for the best benefits.
  • Kefir - A fermented milk drink that's a probiotic powerhouse.
  • Sauerkraut - Fermented cabbage that adds a flavorful crunch to meals.
  • Kimchi - Fermented vegetables served as a side dish with a spicy Korean twist. 

By incorporating these probiotic-rich foods into your meals, you're not only supporting muscle growth but also making sure your gut health is healthy(4). This holistic approach to bulking allows for better overall health and more effective gains.

Resistance Training

Diving into the world of resistance training can feel like navigating a maze, but here's a simplified guide to muscle growth that you can apply directly to your routine. Think of resistance training as the foundation for building muscle. The key to unlocking gains isn't just about lifting heavy things; it's about how often, how much, and how you lift them.

  • Aim for 2-3 sets per exercise, hitting at least 10 sets per muscle group each week. More isn't always better; after reaching this threshold, additional sets don't necessarily mean more muscle.
  • How often you train can help you adjust your weekly volume. Training a muscle group more frequently allows you to spread the volume and stimulate growth more regularly.
  • Mix it up between lighter and heavier loads, but always push close to failure. Whether it's lighter weights for more reps or heavier weights for fewer reps, make sure you're challenging your muscles.
  • Combine lifting (concentric contractions) and lowering (eccentric contractions) weights for optimal growth. Eccentric movements, in particular, can give your muscles that extra boost in development.
  • Stick with repetition durations between half a second to 8 seconds. Dragging out reps for longer than 10 seconds could actually hinder your gains.
  • When you work out or in what order you do your exercises don't drastically affect muscle growth. Focus on what feels best for you and fits your schedule.
  • Tailor your training plan to what keeps you motivated. Whether you like mixing up your workouts or sticking to a steady routine, ensure you're gradually increasing the challenge.

At its core, resistance training for muscle growth is about progressively challenging your muscles through well-planned workouts, rest, and nutrition. Incorporate compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups for the most efficient path to a stronger, bigger physique(2).

Lastly, recovery is where the magic happens. Your muscles grow while you rest, not while you lift. Ensuring you get enough sleep, manage stress, and provide your body with the nutrients it needs post-workout will maximize your gains.

Gaining mass is more than just eating everything in sight, it’s a strategic play of nutrition, training, and recovery. By focusing on quality nutrition, diversifying your protein sources, and not skimping on micronutrients or recovery, you’ll build a great foundation for solid, sustainable gains. And remember, everybody is unique – listen to yours and adjust as needed. 

Here's to building strength, muscle, and health!