
Top diet trends 2020

Top Diet Trends in 2020 and the Science Behind Them

    Interest in different diets like vegetarianism or veganism has been around for centuries. Some diets stem from religious beliefs; Hindus abstain from eating meat because it hurts other...

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Low Carb vs Keto Diet

Low Carb vs Keto Diet

Is the ketogenic diet (“keto”) a separate diet from a low-carb diet? Yes, it is different. It’s similar in many ways, but not one and the same, and the difference...

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meal replacement for weight loss

Best Meal Replacement Shakes For Weight Loss

Losing weight is difficult, especially when you have an uber-busy life. Who really has time to plan and prep all those meals while making sure they’re nutritionally balanced and delicious?...

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health goals beyond weight loss

5 Worthy Health Goals Beyond Weight Loss

  Within the health and wellness space there is a significant amount of content focusing on weight loss. However, there are several non-weight aspects of health that are important to...

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keto foods list

The Complete Keto Foods List [with Free Printable]

    If you're into fitness, nutrition trends, or celebrities then you're probably familiar with the keto diet. The ketogenic diet or keto for short, is a high-fat, low-carb, and...

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woman trying to lose the quarantine 15 measuring her waist with a tape

6 Tips for Losing the Quarantine 15

If you have gained some weight during the lockdown, you’re not alone. Over the past several months, many of us have been forced to spend most of our time at...

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