
Does the Sauna Burn Calories?

Does the Sauna Burn Calories?

The straightforward answer is yes, saunas can burn calories. The heat of a sauna increases your heart rate and metabolic rate, similar to the effects of a light cardiovascular workout....

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Your Ultimate Gut Health Morning Routine

Your Ultimate Gut Health Morning Routine

If you’re someone who struggles with digestive health, or you simply want to optimize your gut health, implementing a simple gut health morning routine is important.  With just a few...

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Eat These Foods to Think Faster

Eat These Foods to Think Faster

Eating a healthy diet is important to our overall wellness, but did you know the food we eat can directly impact our brain health? This article will explore the relationship...

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5 Tips to Help You Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep

5 Tips to Help You Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep

Sleep is something that is often overlooked when it comes to health. Many people focus heavily on fitness and nutrition but also need to prioritize good quality sleep.  Sleep is...

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The Surprising Reasons You Might Be Suffering From Bloating

The Surprising Reasons You Might Be Suffering From Bloating

We’ve all experienced it; that uncomfortable feeling of fullness and pressure in your belly. Suddenly your clothes don’t fit, no position is comfortable, and nothing seems to soothe your tender...

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How to Maximize the Benefits of Your Coffee

How to Maximize the Benefits of Your Coffee

So many of us love our daily coffee fix. But whether we drink coffee for the taste or out of habit, many don’t fully realize the benefits coffee can have...

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Will a Toenail Grow Back Normally?

Will a Toenail Grow Back Normally?

If you’ve ever stubbed your toe or lost a toenail from injuries, you know that toenail traumas are not for the faint hearted. Whether you’ve lost a toenail or had...

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Your Triple Action Skin Boost Routine

Your Triple Action Skin Boost Routine

When we’re younger, we don’t think too much about our skin. You can spend all day in the sun, sleep with your makeup on, forget to drink water, and it...

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Is Six Hours Of Sleep Enough?

Is Six Hours Of Sleep Enough?

Ensuring good sleep is an essential aspect to our health and wellbeing. Adequate, good-quality sleep is necessary to allow us to function optimally. Unfortunately, because of busy schedules and stressful...

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Here's How Sleep Quality Impacts Muscle Mass

Here's How Sleep Quality Impacts Muscle Mass

Sleep is an essential part of life. Unfortunately, during busy or stressful times it often gets sacrificed. It may not seem like a big deal to skip out on a...

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5 Tips to Maintain Optimal Hydration

5 Tips to Maintain Optimal Hydration

Although hydration sounds pretty simple, it’s so much easier said than done. We’ve all had those days where it’s the middle of the afternoon and you realize that you’ve barely...

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How to Not Let an Injury Derail You

How to Not Let an Injury Derail You

Injuries suck, but they happen.  If training and fitness are a part of your life for the long haul, then at one point or another you’ll probably deal with an...

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