
Best Exercises for a Busy Schedule

Best Exercises for a Busy Schedule

If you want to get in shape, the best thing you can do is spend multiple hours in the gym each day, with a carefully designed and executed workout routine....

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Can Too Much Cardio Impact Your Progress?

Can Too Much Cardio Impact Your Progress?

Cardio can be a very tense subject to raise around someone who does strength training.  The prevailing wisdom with a lot of people is that cardio will make it harder...

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5 Tips to Increase Power and Endurance

5 Tips to Increase Power and Endurance

  Power and endurance go hand in hand with just about any physical activity. Power helps you run faster, lift more, punch harder, jump higher, or whatever your aim is....

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Pre-Workout Warmup Routine to Avoid Injury

Pre-Workout Warmup Routine to Avoid Injury

  We all want to go all-out at the gym. But doing so without warming up sufficiently is risking injury, as well as reducing the gains you get from the...

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What is VO2 Max and Why You Should Track it?

What is VO2 Max and Why You Should Track it?

Do you want to run faster, run further, lift more, and just generally increase your athletic performance? Oxygen holds the key to doing all this. Oxygen is how your body...

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How to Recover Quicker After the Gym

How to Recover Quicker After the Gym

In fitness, a lot of our progress actually comes when we’re away from the gym. Even if you put 100% effort into every workout, you’ll never be able to maintain...

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one more rep

5 Hacks to Get One More Rep at the Gym

It’s the end of your workout - you’re tired, sore, mentally drained, and searching for anything you can find to get in one more rep. This last rep is where...

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young man punching a boxing heavy bag

Your Guide To Pre-Workout Snack Macros

  You hear about getting protein and replenishing carbs immediately after a workout, what supplements to take, and how to hydrate all the time.  But what about pre-workout nutrition?  Yes,...

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woman doing TRX good mornings

The Good Morning Exercise: How to Do It Safely

The good mornings exercise is a powerful and versatile exercise, which almost anyone can benefit from adding to their workout routine. Good mornings, plus good morning exercise variations, have amazing...

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12 Huge Benefits of Kettlebell Training

12 Huge Benefits of Kettlebell Training

  Kettlebells are a core part of the fitness industry today. If you go to any halfway decent gym, you’ll find a collection of kettlebells alongside traditional barbells, dumbbells, and...

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Benefits of MCT Oil For Endurance Athletes

Benefits of MCT Oil For Endurance Athletes

What is MCT Oil? MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, which are medium-length chains of fats. These fats are more easily digested than longer-chain fats that are found in many foods. ...

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4 Common Mistakes for Gaining Muscle

4 Common Mistakes for Gaining Muscle

For muscles to grow several conditions need to be met.  As many people know, It’s imperative to consume adequate protein to build muscle. But, let’s not neglect the importance of...

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