
How to Hydrate Adequately After Using the Sauna?

How to Hydrate Adequately After Using the Sauna?

Using a sauna post-workout provides excellent benefits for muscle recovery and, for many, it’s incredibly relaxing. However, to sauna means to sweat, heavily. Therefore an important part of ensuring you...

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The Best Time to Cold Plunge: Before or After a Workout?

The Best Time to Cold Plunge: Before or After a Workout?

The cold plunge has become one of the hottest (ironic phrasing aside) trends in health and fitness circles. You’ll rarely be able to spend a few minutes scrolling Instagram or...

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Why it is Vital for Kids to Be Active

Why it is Vital for Kids to Be Active

The question of whether children should exercise is more pertinent than ever.  We live in a fast-paced world where technology plays a significant role in making people more sedentary, especially...

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How to Speed Up Muscle Strain Recovery

How to Speed Up Muscle Strain Recovery

If you are an active individual, you are likely no stranger to the occasional muscle strain that can hinder your workout routine. But what can be done to expedite the...

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5 Benefits of Walking After Meals

5 Benefits of Walking After Meals

Key takeaways: Walking after a meal can potentially offer additional health benefits over walking at other times of the day. Walking after eating may aid digestion, improve blood sugar control,...

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Does Coffee Make You Bloated?

Does Coffee Make You Bloated?

If you are a coffee-lover, you are likely no stranger to the occasional digestive upset that our favorite morning brew can cause. But is it the coffee that is making...

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Contrast Therapy: How to Use Hot and Cold Exposure to Boost Recovery

Contrast Therapy: How to Use Hot and Cold Exposure to Boost Recovery

Sauna, hot baths and cold water immersion are all becoming extremely popular ways for athletes and regular fitness enthusiasts to improve recovery and fight post-workout soreness. But while these methods...

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How to Break Through Brain Fog

How to Break Through Brain Fog

Do you find it difficult to complete simple tasks as the day wears on? Do you forget things? Struggle to concentrate? You’re not alone.  You may be experiencing brain fog....

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Do You Have to Sacrifice Taste for Health?

Do You Have to Sacrifice Taste for Health?

Eating healthy is often considered boring, and bland. We feel we must sacrifice flavor in the name of health. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, it...

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How to Get Back into a Health and Fitness Routine

How to Get Back into a Health and Fitness Routine

It happened again. Your perfect routine was disrupted, leaving you off track and feeling out of steam. You aren’t alone. Whether you enjoyed a recent vacation, are recovering from an...

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Does Coffee Make You Gain Weight?

Does Coffee Make You Gain Weight?

Millions of people worldwide drink coffee everyday for its rich flavor and energizing effects. However, there has been ongoing debate about whether coffee can contribute to weight gain.  In this...

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An Easy to Follow 3-Month Lean Body Plan

An Easy to Follow 3-Month Lean Body Plan

Have you been waiting for the "perfect time" to kickstart your fitness journey, only to find it never quite arrives?  Well, the wait is over! Whether it's the fresh optimism...

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